been rejected by a publisher? Wondering how you're ever, ever
going to get your manuscript finished? Considering giving up on being
a writer? No, friend. Noooooo. You're just in a creative slump. As a
writer, I know there are times when everything's flowing: ideas,
time, money, words, praise. And there are times when Things Fall
Apart (sorry) and you're tempted to give up. If that's you today,
read this advice from those with experience in persistence, including
'Learning to fail also includes learning to write like crap and not
care. Push through. We all write like crap...The reader will never
see it. You’ll revise it to perfection and delete the bad parts.
The key is to have something down to work with. So learn to fail.
Keep going.' - Hugh Howey, author of the Silo
J.K. Rowling: Failure is so important. It doesn't get spoken about
enough. We speak about success all the time. But it's the ability to
use failure that often leads to the greatest achievement. I've often
met people who are terrified, in a straitjacket of their own making,
because they don't want to try for fear of failing. Rock bottom
wasn't fun at all. But it was liberating.
How so?
Rowling: What did I have to lose?
Oprah Winfrey Show
'Go, go, go! Sorry to have to remind you, but one day you’ll be
dead and you won’t be able to write.' - Catriona Ross, Story
Star: How to write your first novel and use the uncanny power of
fiction to turn your wishes into reality.
'I play and I keep playing because I choose to play. Even if it's not
your ideal life, you can always choose it. No matter what your life
is, choosing it changes everything.' - Andre Agassi, Open
'Hurt feelings or discomfort of any kind cannot be caused by another
person. No one outside me can hurt me. That's not a possibility. It's
only when I believe a stressful thought that I get hurt. And I'm the
one who's hurting me by believing what I think. This is very good
news, because it means that I don't have to get someone else to stop
hurting me. I'm the one who can stop hurting me. It's within my
power.' - Byron Katie, Loving
What Is
'Your fear is energy. Use it to your advantage and have it catapult
your performance. If you try to suppress it, it will only come back
at you with a vengeance. Instead, just sit with fear in your body;
notice it without panicking about it being there.' Simon Ekin, author
Art of Courage
'I once read that the only constant that all humans have is a 24-hour
day. If you take out eight hours of building a career, and eight
hours of sleep, you have eight hours to do something that you really
love. This eye-opening observation changed my mind forever. You can
never find time to write; you can only create it. To fit writing into
my schedule, I break down the work into easy, manageable pieces. My
latest novel is about 60,000 words. Instead of trying to write
everything at once, I chose to write 1,000 words per day. Within 90
days I had the novel ready, including revisions.' - Kinyanjui
Kombani, a.k.a. The Banker Who Writes.
'Writing is a blast, but it's also work. So forget about waiting for
inspiration. Sit your butt in a chair every day and write a set
amount of words. In a few months, you'll have a completed novel.
Repeat many times. Eventually, you'll have a story that could pay the
mortgage. If you do this long enough, you might be able to quit your
day job.' - Vaughn Heppner, author of The
Lost Starship
Interviewer: Do you have any advice for younger writers?
Harrison: Just
start at page one and write like a son of a bitch.
Paris Review
'It takes a long time to become an overnight success, so work harder
than you ever thought possible. Then work some more. Don't give up.
Don't complain. Just do it again. And then again. And if it's not
working, my final piece of advice to you is probably the most
surprising of all – quit. Don't stop writing entirely: Quit that
particular sentence, paragraph or chapter. If it doesn't fit, cut it
out, step over the blood, dry your tears and move on.' - Margie
Orford, author of the Clare Hart series; O,
The Oprah Magazine
'You've got to plan; you've got to be meticulous, but there comes a
time when you have to accept the consequences of what you're doing.
You've got to dive in and go for it. If you dive in with thoughts of
victory and defeat, if you're listening to both wolves, it ain't
going to happen.' - Lewis Pugh, endurance swimmer
'Each moment is a new beginning. The point of power is always in the
present moment. You are never
stuck.' - Louise Hay, author of You
Can Heal Your Life
'Time, which is your enemy in almost everything in this life, is your
friend in writing. It is. If you can relax into time, not fight it,
not fret at its passing, you will become better. You probably won’t
be very good at the beginning, but you will become better, and
eventually you may actually become good. But it doesn’t help to be
afraid of time, or to measure yourself against prodigies like Conrad
or Crane or Rimbaud. There’s always going to be somebody who did it
better than you, faster than you, and you don’t want to make
comparisons that will discourage you in your work. In fact, most
fiction writers tend to graybeard their way into their best work.' -
Tobias Wolff, The
Paris Review
'We all have talent but only those who see the value in their talent
make it. ...get the necessary means to educate yourself about your
passion and how to maximise your talents.' - Fashion designer Leah
'The best books come from deep within us. Consider your life
experiences when you're seeking inspiration for characters and
stories. I drew from losing a baby halfway through a pregnancy for
one of my characters and from the loss of my dad for another. Readers
can connect with characters who go through the same struggles they
experience in their own lives. Tapping into how my own losses
affected me allowed me to create more emotional, authentic stories. I
treasure messages from readers who tell me they've gone through
similar losses and that my books helped them find healing.' - Brenda
Rothert, author of Bound
'I'd define the essence of a writer in four words: imagination,
passion, consistency, and quality. Keep your hopes above all else, no
matter what. Never get discouraged, make the most of negative
criticism, but don't get carried away with positive feedback either.'
- Christophe Paul, author of The
Penny Thief
'Keep writing. Everyone reaches a point where they think they should
throw the book away. I always think the difference between a
published and unpublished writer is that the published one just kept
writing.' - Gillian Flynn, author of Gone
'Don't focus on the end goal. Focus on what's in front of you. Take
it one stroke at a time.' - Chris Bertish, first solo trans-Atlantic
stand-up paddleboarder
'If you want to write a novel, ignore all advice. Just write the damn
book, even if you're sure everyone else will hate it. If you like it,
many others will.' - Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher series
'”Sabrina, I want you
to write me a novel.” Her commanding tone sends electricity down my
arms. “Stop waiting for something or someone to inspire you,” she
says. “Get inspired by your own life. Find a chaise; lie on it; be
your own muse, for heaven’s sake. Can’t you see the best stories
are already inside you, awaiting their release?”’ Catriona
Presence of
or How to Find Love and Write a Novel
'You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to
enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a
finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the
world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.' -
Woodrow Wilson, (1856-1924), 28th U.S. president
Ross is the author of several books, including three guides for
writers: Writing for Magazines: Absolutely Everything You Need to
Know; Story Star: How to write your first novel and use the
uncanny power of fiction to turn your wishes into reality,
and the novel for aspirant
novelists, The Presence of Peacocks or How to Find Love and
Write a Novel.
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